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New Day

This album is a collection of songs musing over the idea that we are living in a fallen state. The songs are a meditation on the wonder and hope of redemption. New day is a reminder that every day we can return to an innocence where we have a clean slate if we choose to take it. The album had continually been put on the back burner and some of the backing tracks were released in the AKM music library for sync. But the songs continued to live on in my mind and eventually I revisited the recordings and got to work on the final lyrics and vocal arrangements. The cover was a picture taken in Devon at a place where I used to visit as a child. Revisiting the sand dunes behind the beach brought back so many childhood memories which made me realise just how far away that place seemed to me now in my mind. It is where I wrote the words "back to innocence" as I contemplated some of the difficult things I have experienced in life. The album was released in 2015 alongside a release concert at OBC. 

New Day - Lyrics
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